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Writer's pictureDr Kendra Clifford ND

This weeks edition of herb of the week - Eucalyptus globulus!

Eucalyputus globulus is an herb I use a lot in my practice. Most people can easily recognize the smell of this amazing herb. Many people will recognize its scent from products such as vapo-rub, or other cold and flu products. But this herb can be used for much much more.

Eucalyptus has antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiperiodic properties. That means that it can be used to treat a number of conditions including malaria, enterobactor infections, athlete's foot, and head lice!

It can also be used topically as an ointment to relieve aching joints and muscles, sprains, and bruises!

Most commonly, people use Eucalyptus during a cold to help with nasal and chest congestion!

While Eucalyptus can be incredibly helpful it can be dangerous too. Never ingest an essential oil internally. Symptoms of ingestion can include stomach upset, drowsiness, short irregular breaths, constricted pupils, diarrhea, vomiting and even death.

But not to fret, when used properly this fragrant herb can be used quite successfully!

That's all for now! Thanks for reading

Dr Kendra Clifford ND

This post is for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical advice.

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