Swimming is often recommended as a rehab exercise because it is low impact, but many swimmers can experience injuries as well. Here are some tips to help you prevent injury this summer.
When breathing keep your head in line with the body to avoid neck pain &/or numbness & tingling of the hands and fingers
Rotate your body towards your breathing side to avoid turning the neck too far and therefore overreaching with the arms
Breathe equally on both sides to prevent excess strain on one side
Weak muscles in the front of the neck tire faster than the stronger muscles
Ensure you are rotating the body properly with each stroke to decrease stress on the neck and shoulder muscles
Keep your head in line to avoid stress on the neck muscles and joints
Strengthening the hip & thigh muscles will decrease stress and strain on the hip joints
Ensuring proper coaching on timing will decrease your risk of injury
This post is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice